Before the rush of the holidays and the beginning of the new year, I like to step back and assess what went well, not so good, and downright awful for the current year. This way I have time to think about what to change, and what to improve going into next year.
Is your website working hard or hardly working?
Back in the day, we were all advised that we needed to have a website. Then it was a FaceBook page. Then a LinkedIn page. Then a Google+ page. A blog. Instagram. Pinterest. Google Maps. Apple Maps. Did I mention AdWords?
Collectively, these can all be cosidered as your digital assets. Digital because they are birthed in the realm of computers; assets because they are intended to help you grow your business.
But are your digital assets more like cyber children or cyber employees?
Most of us don't want children representing what we do. We need professional employees who do their work well and make a good impression both within the organization and in public.
Now, as the year comes to an end, is a good time to do some old fashioned "employee" evaluations on your digital assets. Look at what your websites, social media channels and other online services are doing for you. While you're at it, it's not a bad idea to look at your inhouse systems the same way. Look at the computers, mobile devices and software (apps) you and your employees use every day. A small change could make a big difference in productivity.
You'll need to look at things critically as they affect your business, not as something you're doing because you think it might be good for business. As you do for other aspects of your operation, set realistic goals and a means to measure success. Then give your digital employees the support they need to achieve your goals.